Author: Coleman Word coleman.word@gofunct.com
Download: go get github.com/gofunct/goexec/goexec
License: MIT
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Getting Started goexec init
- Run goexec init to create a default goexec sripting cli in your current directory
- You will be prompted for the name of the directory to create(this will be the name of the cli)
- After entering a directory name, a folder containing the cli, along with a default goexec.yaml will be created
- Enter the created directory and install the program
- Run the command to see the default subcommands and flags
The default generated cli will print its usage if called without any subcommands. It should look like this:
Default Goexec Usage(generated): "your-goexec-cli"
A goexec cli comes with default subcommands built in.
Here is the usage for a goexec cli that was generated with the name “scripter”:
---> Change me to a longer descripton of your goexec cli <---
scripter [command]
Available Commands:
debug debug flags or current configuration
help Help about any command
load download all of your executable dependencies
script run bash scripts
-h, --help help for scripter
--version version for scripter
Use "scripter [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Load Subcommands: "your-goexec-cli" load
download all of your executable dependencies
scripter load [command]
Available Commands:
get intelligently download folders/files from a remote url
mod download go mod executable dependencies
-h, --help help for load
Debug Subcommands: "your-goexec-cli" debug
debug flags or current configuration
scripter debug [command]
Available Commands:
config debug configuration settings
flags debug current flag settings
-h, --help help for debug
- Your GoExec cli will read in all files that are named either goexec.yaml or goexec.json
- Your configuration settings are automatically synced to environmental variables
- Your configuration settings can be used to template scripts added to the cli
- Goexec uses the excellent sprig funcmap functions package ref:https://github.com/Masterminds/sprig
- Goexec renders scripts that contain “ with your current configuration settings and the sprig funcmap
ex: if you set name: “ » name.txt
it will create a name.txt file containing “Coleman Word”
Feel free to open up any prs if you find any bugs!